Loading Acrobat Reader

The Office of the Secretary of State will now offer almost all of its forms in the easily read and printed PDF format. These forms have a .pdf "extension." When you see a document with a ".pdf" extension, that means you need to use a free Adobe product -- Acrobat ReaderTM --- to view it.

When Adobe ReaderTM is installed, it automatically seeks out your browser and installs itself as a plug-in. Once it is installed, the Acrobat ReaderTM will appear automatically within the browser screen when you click on a hyperlink to a file with a .pdf extension. Then, you can view the PDF files onscreen without having to download them, and you can print them from the screen. The first download and installation will take about 30 minutes.

Click on the Acrobat icon below, and follow the instructions to download Acrobat onto your hard drive.

Adobe Acrobat Free Reader